
Hybrid Construction Contract / Defect Claims Webinar

Free 1-Hour Webinar on Thursday, July 31st, 2025 at 10:00am Pacific Time


This presentation is a 'map of the terrain' for taming the beast of complexity that is hybrid (or combination) construction defect (CD) and construction contract claims. The program is for anyone who deals with these claims, including legal, insurance or construction professionals. These claims often span many years, include thousands of documents, and regularly involve dozens of parties. Making sense of this mess, and being able to explain it to everyone along the way, is where mastery begins. CD and contract claims analysis used to be entirely different areas of expertise. Lawyers and consultants who worked in one area rarely crossed paths with their closely related, but long lost cousins in the "other world" of construction claims. No longer. The two are now often fully entangled. Construction defects still need to be investigated, tested, analyzed issue-byissue, extrapolated (or not!), repairs specified, and repair costs evaluated. Contract claims for changes and delays still require expensive document analysis to compare what happened to what should have; how much was paid compared to how much should have been; how long the work took compared to how long it should have; and to evaluate the economic losses, liquidated and actual damages, that parties suffered.

These claims come in sizes and forms as widely varying as single-family residences, multifamily projects, mixed-use developments, commercial, institutional, industrial, low-rise, midrise, and high-rise construction; they range from incomplete projects that are years late and barely started, to projects that are completed and in operation. Since much of the audience is familiar with CD claims, we will more deeply explore contract claims.


Our Panel

Glenn Barger, Esq.
ADR Services, Inc.

Rob Ward, PE
Pete Fowler Construction

Barbara Laskaris-Lorigan
Vice President - Head of Claims
Golden State Claims Adjusters

Megan Shapiro, Esq.
Radoslovich | Shapiro, PC

Pete Patterson
Pete Fowler Construction


Continuing Education Credit

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    • NOTE: Many states acknowledge reciprocal credit for courses certified through the Texas Department of Insurance. Be sure to review the guidelines specific to your state, and verify the process for obtaining credit for a course approved with the state of Texas.

  • MCLE (Legal)

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