Construction Site Accident Claims Webinar
We last presented this 1-Hour program on Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 10:00am Pacific Time
It is no secret that a construction site is not a playground. Few places are more potentially dangerous; the list of safety regulations goes on and on to safeguard the wellbeing of construction professionals. Still, humans are flawed and prone to error, with three construction site fatalities and hundreds of injuries each day here in the US.
When these accidents happen, the companies involved are obligated to step in and investigate the details, rendering a thoughtful opinion about the facts surrounding the accident. No two claims are the same. Our analytical method walks through a professional investigation and analysis regardless of the specifics of the claim, like how the scientific method aids in discovery of the workings of our natural world.
Anyone who works with construction of any kind has an interest in being prepared for construction site accident claims and knowing how to handle them effectively. Insurance professionals need to know how to investigate a claim fairly and thoroughly with the full context of construction site safety standards. Legal professionals need the specific knowledge necessary to best represent their clients. Construction professionals should be aware of the process involved in an investigation.
Program Outline
Drawing Conclusions
Learning Objectives
Introduce a framework for conducting a professional investigation of a personal injury that occurred on a construction site.
Gain a big-picture perspective on handling construction site accident claims from abuilding expert perspective.
Review real world case studies for examples of good practice handling construction site accident claims.
Discuss the roles and responsibilities on a construction site based on contracts, industry standards, and OSHA regulations, including their multi-employer worksite rules.
Our Panel
Tom Fama, Esq.
Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman LLP
Walter Nelson
Claims Manager
Turner Surety & Insurance Brokerage
Continuing Education Credit
A disclaimer that this webinar requires you to answer all polling questions to receive continuing education credit. Credit will not be given to those who miss a polling question, or to those that are determined to be inattentive by On24's software. The entire program must be attended live to receive credit, and continuing education certificates will be sent out within ten business days of the webinar.
This webinar is either approved or is pending approval for 1.0 hour of continuing education credit in the following states:
CE (Insurance)
NOTE: Many states acknowledge reciprocal credit for courses certified through the Texas Department of Insurance. Be sure to review the guidelines specific to your state, and verify the process for obtaining credit for a course approved with the state of Texas.
MCLE (Legal)