Analyzing Construction Defects Webinar
We last presented this 1-hour program on Thursday, November 16th at 10:00am Pacific
Analyzing Construction Defects is for anyone who deals with construction litigation related to physical problems or allegations of defects in buildings or construction. We will explain what a construction defect is, how the process of construction defect litigation flows, present a framework for working through the complexity of potential defects, and discuss appropriate investigation standards and issue-by-issue analysis of each potential defect and discuss appropriate investigation standards.
This course is designed with attorneys, adjusters, property owners or managers in mind, and anyone involved in construction, as they will likely face property-related litigation or insurance claims at some point in their careers. In fact, many professionals spend most of their work lives handling construction-related claims in their work; are you prepared to analyze construction defects?
Learning Objectives
Discuss what Construction Defects are and are not.
Introduce the fascinating world of Construction Defect Litigation and the major players.
Review Construction Defect Litigation case studies.
Explain how construction defects are analyzed by the most sophisticated expert consultants.
Introduce the complex process of building a case or a defense in construction defect litigation.
Program Outline
Construction Defects Defined
Construction Defect Litigation
Our Engineered Process
Analyzing Construction Defects
Fancy Stuff
Our Panel
Don Gifford
Pete Fowler Construction
Gary Strong
Gfeller Laurie LLP
Marc Viau
Pete Fowler Construction
Continuing Education Credit
A disclaimer that you must attend the live webinar to obtain credit. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. To receive adjuster credit with the Florida Department of Financial Services or with the California Department of Insurance, remember to click on the link provided in the webinar chat or scan the QR code displayed at the end of the program to verify your identity and attendance. Both polling questions must be answered accurately to earn adjuster credit with the California Department of Insurance or the Nevada Division of Insurance. Certificates of attendance will be sent to eligible webinar attendees within three business days of the webinar.
This webinar is approved for 1.0 credit hour of continuing education credit in the following state(s):
California State Bar - Provider #11573
California Department of Insurance (Provider #180291) - Course #389498
Nevada State Bar (Provider #51574) - Course #P_20231116_51574
Nevada Division of Insurance (Provider #168687) - Course #26951; Offering ID #194681
Florida Department of Financial Services (Provider #373045) - Course #126931; Offering ID #1188191
Don Gifford’s Instructor ID #1346632
Gary Strong’s Instructor ID #1336592
Marc Viau Instructor ID #1346742
Florida State Bar (Provider #1023251) - Course #2309039N
Texas State Bar (Provider #A16251) - Course #174208828