
Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop

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PFCS co-hosted the world-renowned Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop all day on February 22nd, 2018 in Irvine, California. The workshop was for growth oriented business owners and managers (yes, attorneys are business people too). Our entire management team was in attendance. The point was to learn from people who have already grown businesses, how to scale up without all the drama associated with "reinventing the wheel" at every new stage of business development. These people have seen thousands of businesses accomplish what we are trying to do, and they created tools to make it less painful. 


  • Who: For growth-oriented business owners and managers

  • What: Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop

  • When: 2/22/2018 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Where: Hilton Hotel Irvine, California (18800 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612)

  • Why: Because growing a business without excessive drama is hard

  • How Much: Cost starts at $395 per attendee

  • NEXT ACTION: Sign up here, but don't forget to use the PFCS promo code "EarlyBird100" to save $100 per person.

A Personal Message from Pete Fowler

You may have noticed that PFCS is growing. In addition to sending my kids off to college and completing an executive education program called Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, we have been applying the Growth Tools that I learned about in Verne Harnishe's book called Scaling Up and in the "Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop" I attended in January. The point of all these tools is to create team alignment, greater revenue, profit, and high performance for your leadership team and the company at large. 

My "relationship" with Verne Harnish goes back to the time I founded this business. I dreamed of attending an executive education program that he founded called Birthing of Giants at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). But I needed to be doing at least $1 million in annual revenue to qualify. So I worked and worked until we reached that milestone, and not only did I apply and get accepted, I also joined the organization that Verne founded called Young Entrepreneurs Organization (YEO). That group has since lost the courage to kick out the people under 40, so it's called EO now, but it's still an awesome group well worth the time and money. I was a member for 10 years and the friends I made remain some of my closest, life-long friends. 

The business acumen I learned from these Vern Harnish programs, combined with good luck, hard-work, awesome staff, and tremendous force-of-will, have been the foundation of a really fun, interesting, and fulfilling life. 

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Learning Objectives

In just one day, you will learn how to:

  • Accelerate profitable growth leveraging the Rockefeller Habits 2.0

  • Best practices through engaging lectures, videos, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and coach demonstrations. 

Program Objectives and Content

We will focus on the four critical decisions that all businesses face: 


  • Become a magnet for A Players

  • Align your team around core values

  • Increase accountability and results Create a truly differentiated


  • Clarify your brand promise

  • Discover your SWOTs and trends Determine your 3-5-year key strategies 


  • Learn and apply the Rockefeller Habits 2.0

  • Create a culture of accountability

  • Fine-tune processes to run without drama


  • Accelerate cash flow to fuel your evolution

  • Improve your sales cycle


This material has empowered more than 20,000 executives and their leadership teams with proven tools and strategies to scale up smarter: 

  • ALIGN: Get faster results with less effort by developing organizational clarity and accountability. 

  • ACCELERATE: Develop a strategic advantage over your competitors and position your brand as a market leader

  • ADVANCE: Remove the barriers to business growth and see your company’s reputation and revenues increase

Workshop Leaders

Certified Scaling Up Coaches Patricia Heyman and Bahaa Moukadam will co-present the workshop.

Patricia Heyman has a keen eye for assessing organizational systems, and is an astute executive coach with an eye toward performance, focus, communication and results.  Patricia has vast experience in large group participatory presentations, and has worked in the US and abroad in Europe and Russia.  Her specialties are Executive Leadership Coaching and Collaborative Leadership using Team Alignment.


Bahaa Moukadam is a Coach, Advisor and Confidant to Successful Leaders.  “My mission is to support successful Leaders expand their capacity to lead, grow, and profit, while having more time and less anxiety”.  Bahaa is a former Silicon Valley CEO with an extensive track record of success in innovative product creation, international business, channel development, marketing, hyper growth, M&A, turnarounds, strategic partnerships and organizational development.

Sign Up

Click here to sign up. 

Normally the Investment costs: 

  • $395 per person for a team of 5 or more attendees

  • $495 per person for a team of 3 or 4 attendees

  • $595 per person for 1-2 attendees

By signing up using the PFCS promotional code "EarlyBird100" you will save $100 from the normal cost. 

Workshops may be eligible for Continuing Professional Education credits depending on individual profession.

Why We Care

  • Alignment of any team is critical for success

  • Learning from others who have successfully grown businesses is better than reinventing the wheel yourself

  • Organizational health requires clarity

  • Accountability without drama requires business structure

  • We want to grow our business AND have nice lives in the process

More Details

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Discussion by Pete Fowler (Not directly connected to the content of this program). 

I am a planner. Surely, I could be FAR more efficient if I would just get to work sometimes. If you want to see what a crazy person I am about it, see The PFCS Weekly Planning Method, that I wrote. But planning has allowed me to go much further than my native talent would have otherwise allowed. And Gazelles Growth Tools are some of my current favorite planning tools. 

Here is a quick summary of each Growth Tool that are included in the package: 

  1. One-Page Personal Plan (OPPP) 

  2. Function Accountability Chart (FACe)

  3. Process Accountability Chart (PACe)

  4. Strengths, Weaknesses, Trends (SWT) Worksheet

  5. 7 Strata

  6. One-Page Strategic Plan (OPSP)

  7. Vision Summary

  8. Who • What • When (WWW)

  9. Rockefeller Habits Checklist

  10. Cash Acceleration Strategies (CASh)

  11. Cash: The Power of One
