Managing Property Maintenance, Improvement and Repair
Case Study: Repair Map
Poor work by property improvement contractors is often the number one consumer complaint in the U.S. Our experience is that only a small percentage of contractors involved in property maintenance or improvement are unscrupulous; unfortunately, many are so incompetent that they might as well be stealing.
Large maintenance projects should be considered “construction projects”, and be managed with professionalism and processes. Due-diligence requires the collection of bids for maintenance, repairs, and improvements; overcoming the difficulty of getting comparable proposals from contractors requires effort and professionalism.
We will show you an integrated approach that includes:
Defining the scope of work
Budgeting and scheduling the project
Contracting the work so you and your clients are appropriately protected
Coordinating the work and creating documentation to make the project run smoothly
Verifying that you are getting what you are paying for
In this webinar we will present a process to help you avoid common pitfalls that can lead to project shortcomings, physical defects, delays, cost overruns, legal disputes and headaches!
This course is approved by the National Board of Certification for Community Association Managers (NBC-CAM) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA® certification.
View an excerpt of our Managing Property Maintenance, Improvement and Repair presentation
Property Analysis Seminar / Webinar Series
Programs in this series:
Contracts for Property Maintenance, Repair and Improvement.
How to Save (Your Community) A Million Bucks! Prioritizing Maintenance and Repairs on a Limited Budget
For more information on seminar dates or to have this presentation delivered to your company call us or email us at