
Diversity in Law, Construction, and Insurance: The Emotional Tax of Picking Your Battles



It’s not always appropriate or worth the energy to correct every microaggression encounter as a professional; being put on the spot about complex social and cultural issues, sharing more than you would typically about personal experiences, and smiling politely at inappropriate comments is part of the emotional tax of picking your battles as a minority. Some professionals find themselves picking fewer battles than others for the sake of their career, or worse, their safety.

The obligation to perform the role of “model minority” happens for various reasons ranging from an understanding that their actions may shape ignorant coworkers’ feelings toward an entire minority group forever, to the simple fear of giving a secretly bigoted coworker an excuse to treat them poorly.

This panel will discuss the hidden stressors of succeeding as a minority voice in law, construction, and insurance, as well as share their advice and perspectives. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions specific to their industry or experiences as well, for an engaging discussion forum with our panelists.


This program was last presented on June 10th, 2021.

Learning Objectives

  • Review what the emotional tax of being a minority is from the perspective of our panelists.

  • Listen to the perspective of minority voices and their personal experiences.

  • Discuss how this issue has been more prevalent than ever given current events, and how they have affected daily life for our panelists.

  • Discuss ways to cope with the emotional tax of being a minority in the law, construction, and insurance industries.

Program Outline

  1. Introduction

  2. What is the Emotional Tax?

  3. Discussion

  4. Audience Q&A

  5. Conclusion

Continuing Education

Certified for adjuster continuing education credits (ethics) in the following states: CA, DE, FL, GA, LA*, NC, NH*, NV, OK*, OR*, TX, WV

*Credit pending